My book reviews
Here you'll find my reviews of some of my favourite books. If you find something interesting, I will provide the Amazon (affiliate) link directly with the review. I hope you enjoy them and find something new to sweeten your rainy afternoons. Oh, and, if you have a reading suggestion for me, please do not hesitate to drop me a line per e-mail or Instagram with your tip!
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
I found Susanna Clarke's work "Piranesi" to be an intriguing combination of fantasy, philosophy, and science fiction.
The story is narrated from the point of view of the protagonist, Piranesi, who lives in an unending, labyrinthine mansion that serves as both his home and, seemingly, the whole universe. By way of his journal entries, the reader can carefully follow Piranesi as he explores the house by traversing its halls and uncovering its mysteries, while also attempting to comprehend his identity and position in this alien environment. Even though it was often complex and sometimes strange, Clarke's prose truly affected me.
The intricate narrative and well-rounded characters will hold your attention until the very end. In the end, "Piranesi" is mandatory reading for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. The tale is an engaging and thought-provoking voyage through a bizarre and thrilling setting that will make a lasting effect on any reader.
If you're looking for a novel that is both entertaining and philosophical, I can hole heartedly recommend "Piranesi" as a book well worth checking out.
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley
I wholeheartedly suggest "The Watchmaker of Filigree Street" if you're looking for a truly captivating read and have an affinity for steampunk, historical fiction, and fantasy. The story follows a telegraphist who gets a mystery watch that saves his life from an anonymous watchmaker and various other individuals whose lives become entwined in the late 19th-century London setting. The language struck me as vibrant, sometimes feeling carefully braided and at other times almost bluntly honest. The writing style, characters and mystique result in a complicated universe that fascinatingly combines magic and technology.
The well-written characters and the way their tales intertwined were what I found to be most enjoyable about the book. Time, fate, and the meeting of magic and technology were explored in a fresh and intriguing manner, which increased the story's interest. I was on the edge of my seat, anxious to find out what would happen next, as the story took me on a riveting voyage across time and space.
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street is an all-around enjoyable piece of historical fiction, fantasy, and steampunk. This book is absolutely worth reading if you're searching for a unique and exciting new world to explore. If you are looking for a fresh and exciting new world to explore, "The Watchmaker of Filigree Street" is definitely worth checking out.
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
This work of contemporary literature is a great classic (yes, I am aware of the oxymoron). The story of Shadow, an ex-convict who unexpectedly finds himself drawn into the realm of the gods, is told in the setting of modern-day America. The narrative offers a discussion of values and the necessity for change. The gods that make up a large part books cast, are classified into two categories: the traditional gods, who have been revered for ages, and the contemporary gods, who represent globalization and technology. Shadow finds himself caught up in a war between good and evil (the sides are differnet depending on your point of view) that will ultimately decide the destiny of the planet as he gets involved in the conflict between these two sides.
The writing of Neil Gaiman is as inventive, darkly hilarious, and thought-provoking as one could expect. The novel's exploration of the issues of belief, power, and death is original and enjoyable. The narrative is full of surprises and twists that will keep you interested right up to the very end, and the characters are well-developed.
All things considered, "American Gods" is a book that aficionados of fantasy and speculative fiction must read. The story stands out in the genre due to its unique blending of mythology, spirituality, and social criticism, and its vivid and evocative setting will linger with you long after you've done reading. "American Gods" is unquestionably a book worth reading if you're seeking for something that will make you think and amuse you at the same time.
The Magicians by Lev Grossmann
The Magicians by Lev Grossmann is a fantasy book that tells the tale of a young man called Quentin Coldwater who studies magic at Brakebills College and finds the magical land of Fillory. A coming-of-age tale, the novel examines issues of maturity, accountability, and the erasure of youth.
The characters are well-developed and sympathetic, and the writing is interesting and unique. The plot moves quickly, and there are several unexpected turns that keep the reader interested. The world that Grossman has created is intricate and deep, full of magic and wonder as well as peril and gloom.
"The Magicians" is a must-read for fans of fantasy and coming-of-age stories. The novel, in my opinion, is smart, witty, full of surprises, and it will keep you captivated from start to finish. Whether you are a fan of Harry Potter, "The Chronicles of Narnia," or just looking for a fresh and exciting new fantasy world to explore, "The Magicians" is definitely worth checking out.